Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher of Pacific Fisheries Research Center (TINRO-Center), Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Code number of specialty:
05.18.07 – Food production biotechnology (biotechnology of aquatic organisms)
Scientific interests:
- research of seaweed quality and safety, composition and properties of seaweed polysaccharides;
- development of technologies to obtain red algae polysaccharides;
- development of feed products based on seaweeds;
- study of seaweed biotransformation processes.
She is an expert in biotechnology of food and biologically active substances. She is an author of 115 works including 1 monograph, 2 collective monographs and 20 papers in the international publications indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. She took out 5 patents. At present she guides research study of post-graduates. She has a wide editorial experience. She reviews manuscripts of the journal «Izvestiya TINRO», dissertations, articles and training manuals of lecturers of Biotechnology and Functional Nutrition Chair in Far Eastern Federal University and also lecturers of Far Eastern State Technical University. Many years she collaborates with Korean scientists from NFRDI (Busan, South Korea). During 15 years she took an active part in international researches of red algae, their technological properties, making recommendations on their using in the framework of government programme between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. The results of the work were reflected in 6 articles in English and Russian, 2 of them were published in «Bulletin of Fisheries Research and Development Institute» (Busan, South Korea); the materials were the subject of regular reporting and discussing in international seaweed symposiums and conferences, PICES.